ICWSM-18 Technical Program
The ICWSM-18 technical program will be held in Berg Hall on the main level of the Li Ka Shing Conference Center at Stanford University, June 26-28. Each author has been allotted 18 minutes for oral presentations, including 3 minutes for Q&A.
Tuesday, June 26
8:45 - 9:00 AM
Opening Remarks: Kate Starbird and Ingmar Weber, Program Cochairs, ICWSM-18
9:00 - 10:00 AM
Keynote Address: Elena Grewal (Airbnb)
The Human Side of Data Science
In my past five years at Airbnb, interest in data science as a discipline has quadrupled (according to Google Trends). It is exciting to be part of such a rapidly-evolving field. Alongside shifts in the larger industry, the Airbnb data science team has rapidly evolved to stay in step with Airbnb's hypergrowth, applying increasingly sophisticated techniques and methods to unlock scale. This talk will describe the evolution of data science work at Airbnb, including what is cutting edge in the three tracks of work we pursue: algorithms, analytics, and inference.
10:00 - 10:30 AM
Coffee Break
10:30 AM - 12:20 PM
Paper Session I: Q & A / Linguistics of Hate
- QDEE: Question Difficulty and Expertise Estimation in Community Question Answering Sites
Jiankai Sun, Sobhan Moosavi, Rajiv Ramnath, Srinivasan Parthasarathy
- Detecting Misflagged Duplicate Questions in Community Question-Answering Archives
Doris Hoogeveen, Andrew Bennett, Yitong Li, Karin M. Verspoor, Timothy Baldwin
- Forecasting the Presence and Intensity of Hostility on Instagram Using Linguistic and Social Features
Ping Liu, Joshua Guberman, Libby Hemphill, Aron Culotta
- Anatomy of Online Hate: Developing a Taxonomy and Machine Learning Models for Identifying and Classifying Hate in Online News Media
Joni Salminen, Hind Almerekhi, Milica Milenkovic, Soon-gyo Jung, Jisun An, Haewoon Kwak, Bernard J. Jansen
- Hate Lingo: A Target-Based Linguistic Analysis of Hate Speech in Social Media
Mai ElSherief, Vivek Kulkarni, Dana Nguyen, William Yang Wang, Elizabeth Belding
- "At Least the Pizzas You Make Are Hot": Norms, Values, and Abrasive Humor on the Subreddit r/RoastMe
Anna Kasunic, Geoff Kaufman
12:20 - 1:45 PM
Hosted Lunch
Berg Hall Foyer (Attendees may return to Berg Hall to eat.)
1:45 - 2:39 PM
Paper Session II: Diffusion and Emergence
- Modeling Popularity in Asynchronous Social Media Streams with Recurrent Neural Networks
Swapnil Mishra, Marian-Andrei Rizoiu, Lexing Xie
- Tracing Community Genealogy: How New Communities Emerge from the Old
Chenhao Tan
- Do Diffusion Protocols Govern Cascade Growth?
Justin Cheng, Jon Kleinberg, Jure Leskovec, David Liben-Nowell, Bogdan State, Karthik Subbian, Lada Adamic
2:40 - 3:34 PM
Paper Session III: Discourse Analysis
- Quootstrap: Scalable Unsupervised Extraction of Quotation–Speaker Pairs from Large News Corpora via Bootstrapping
Dario Pavllo, Tiziano Piccardi, Robert West
- Leveraging Quality Prediction Models for Automatic Writing Feedback
Hamed Nilforoshan, Eugene Wu
- Unsupervised Model for Topic Viewpoint Discovery in Online Debates Leveraging Author Interactions
Amine Trabelsi, Osmar R. Zaiane
3:35 - 4:00 PM
Coffee Break
4:00 - 5:12 PM
Paper Session IV: Political
- Perceptions of Censorship and Moderation Bias in Political Debate Forums
Qinlan Shen, Michael Miller Yoder, Yohan Jo, Carolyn P. Rosé
- #DEBATENIGHT: The Role and Influence of Socialbots on Twitter during the 1st 2016 U.S. Presidential Debate
Marian-Andrei Rizoiu, Timothy Graham, Rui Zhang, Yifei Zhang, Robert Ackland, Lexing Xie
- Media Bias Monitor: Quantifying Biases of Social Media News Outlets at Large-Scale
Filipe N. Ribeiro, Lucas Henrique, Fabricio Benevenuto, Abhijnan Chakraborty, Juhi Kulshrestha, Mahmoudreza Babaei, Krishna P. Gummadi
- Mobilizing the Trump Train: Understanding Collective Action in a Political Trolling Community
Claudia Flores-Saviaga, Brian C. Keegan, Saiph Savage
5:15 - 6:09 PM
Paper Session V: Sociology
- Net Benefits: Digital Inequities in Social Capital, Privacy Preservation, and Digital Parenting Practices of U.S. Social Media Users
Elissa M. Redmiles
- Predicting PISA Scores from Students' Digital Traces
Ivan Smirnov
- Songs of a Future Past, an Experimental Study of Online Persuaders
Marzia Antenore, Alessandro Panconesi, Erisa Terolli
6:10 - 6:30 PM
Best Paper Award
Test of Time Award
Best Reviewer Awards
ICWSM'19 Presentation
7:00 - 9:00 PM
ICWSM-18 Opening Reception
Vina Enoteca Restaurant, 700 Welch Rd, Palo Alto (10-minute walk from the Li Ka Shing Conference Center)
Wednesday, June 27
9:15 - 10:15 AM
Keynote Address: Miguel Luengo-Oroz (UN Global Pulse)
Data for Good: Towards a Rights-Based Approach to Research and Innovation
Making sure progress is equally distributed requires using new technologies that serve all people and ensure that we "leave no one behind." In September 2015, Member States of the United Nations adopted a set of goals to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new global agenda. To achieve the SDGs, governments, private sector and civil society must work together. The UN is actively driving global discussions on how to harness the power of the data revolution to achieve this ambitious agenda. The work of the UN includes providing food and assistance to 80 million people, supplying vaccines to 45% of the world's children and assisting 65 million people fleeing war, famine and persecution. In this talk, UN Global Pulse will present applications of social data and other big data sources for sustainable development and humanitarian action. Examples of innovation projects will include: using social media to understand perceptions on refugees; using mobile data to map population movement in the aftermath of natural disasters; understanding recovery from shocks with financial transaction data; using satellite data to inform humanitarian operations in conflict zones or monitoring public radio to give voice to citizens in unconnected areas. Based on these examples, the session will discuss open challenges and opportunities for the research community to ensure that academic work can be translated into social impact. With the big data and the AI revolution, it is time to propose a shift to a rights-based approach to research and innovation.
10:15 - 10:30 AM
Coffee Break
10:30 - 11:45 AM
Paper Session VI: Sociology of Hate
AbuSniff: Automatic Detection and Defenses Against Abusive Facebook Friends
Sajedul Talukder, Bogdan Carbunar
The Effect of Extremist Violence on Hateful Speech Online
Alexandra Olteanu, Carlos Castillo, Jeremy Boy, Kush R. Varshney
When Online Harassment is Perceived as Justified
Lindsay Blackwell, Tianying Chen, Sarita Schoenebeck, Cliff Lampe
Peer to Peer Hate: Hate Speech Instigators and Their Targets
Mai ElSherief, Shirin Nilizadeh, Dana Nguyen, Giovanni Vigna, Elizabeth Belding
11:45 AM - 12:45 PM
ICWSM-18 Industry Panel
- Twitter: David Gasca, Liz Ferrall-Nunge, Director of User Research
- Microsoft: Emre Kiciman, Principal Researcher at MSR
- Reddit: Katie Bauer, Senior Data Scientist
- Nexalogy: Claude Théoret, CEO
Moderator: Brent Hecht (Northwestern University)
12:45 - 1:45 PM
Lunch Break
1:45 - 3:15 PM
Paper Session VII: Misinformation
- Characterizing Clickbaits on Instagram
Yu-I Ha, Jeongmin Kim, Donghyeon Won, Meeyoung Cha, Jungseock Joo
- Ecosystem or Echo-System? Exploring Content Sharing across Alternative Media Domains
Kate Starbird, Ahmer Arif, Tom Wilson, Katherine Van Koevering, Katya Yefimova, Daniel Scarnecchia
- Can You Verifi This? Studying Uncertainty and Decision-Making about Misinformation Using Visual Analytics
Alireza Karduni, Ryan Wesslen, Sashank Santhanam, Isaac Cho, Svitlana Volkova, Dustin Arendt, Samira Shaikh, Wenwen Dou
- Conspiracies Online: User Discussions in a Conspiracy Community Following Dramatic Events
Mattia Samory and Tanushree Mitra
- Predicting News Coverage of Scientific Articles
Ansel MacLaughlin, John Wihbey, David A. Smith
3:15 - 4:30 PM
Paper Session VIII: Online Collaboration
- Reddit Rules! Characterizing an Ecosystem of Governance
Casey Fiesler, Jialun "Aaron" Jiang, Joshua McCann, Kyle Frye, Jed R. Brubaker
- Latent Structure in Collaboration: The Case of Reddit r/place
Jérémie Rappaz, Michele Catasta, Robert West, Karl Aberer
- Distributed Knowledge in Crowds: Crowd Performance on Hidden Profile Tasks
Yla Tausczik, Mark Boons
- Network Structure, Efficiency, and Performance in WikiProjects
Edward L. Platt, Daniel M. Romero
4:30 - 6:00 PM
ICWSM-18 Poster/Demo Session
Foyer, Berg Hall, Li Ka Shing Conference Center; Light refreshments will be served.
From the User to the Medium: Neural Profiling Across Web Communities
Mohammad Akbari, Kunal Relia, Anas Elghafari, Rumi Chunara
Graph Based Semi-Supervised Learning with Convolution Neural Networks to Classify Crisis Related Tweets
Firoj Alam, Shafiq Joty, Muhammad Imran
EviDense: A Graph-Based Method for Finding Unique High-Impact Events with Succinct Keyword-Based Descriptions
Oana Balalau, Carlos Castillo, Mauro Sozio
Opinion Context Extraction for Aspect Sentiment Analysis
Anil Bandhakavi, Nirmalie Wiratunga, Stewart Massie, Rushi Luhar
Quantifying the Impact of Cognitive Biases in Question-Answering Systems
Keith Burghardt, Tad Hogg, Kristina Lerman
The Gender Gap in Wikipedia Talk Pages
Benjamin Cabrera, Björn Ross, Marielle Dado, Maritta Heisel
Real-World Witness Detection in Social Media via Hybrid Crowdsensing
Stefano Cresci, Andrea Cimino, Marco Avvenuti, Maurizio Tesconi, Felice Dell'Orletta
$FAKE: Evidence of Spam and Bot Activity in Stock Microblogs on Twitter
Stefano Cresci, Fabrizio Lillo, Daniele Regoli, Serena Tardelli, Maurizio Tesconi
Measuring the Impact of Anxiety on Online Social Interactions
Sarmistha Dutta, Jennifer Ma, Munmun De Choudhury
"With 1 follower I must be AWESOME :P." Exploring the Role of Irony Markers in Irony Recognition
Debanjan Ghosh, Smaranda Muresan
Emotional Influence Prediction of News Posts
Anastasia Giachanou, Paolo Rosso, Ida Mele, Fabio Crestani
How Constraints Affect Content: The Case of Twitter's Switch from 140 to 280 Characters*
Kristina Gligoric, Ashton Anderson, Robert West
Twits, Twats and Twaddle: Trends in Online Abuse towards UK Politicians
Genevieve Gorrell, Mark A. Greenwood, Ian Roberts, Diana Maynard, Kalina Bontcheva
Professional Gender Gaps across US Cities
Karri Haranko, Emilio Zagheni, Kiran Garimella, Ingmar Weber
Collaboration in N-th Order Derivative Creation
Shiori Hironaka, Kosetsu Tsukuda, Masahiro Hamasaki, Masataka Goto
Discovering Political Slang in Readers' Comments
Nabil Hossain, Thanh Thuy Trang Tran, Henry Kautz
Modeling and Visualizing Locus of Control with Facebook Language
Kokil Jaidka, Anneke Buffone, Johannes Eichstaedt, Masoud Rouhizadeh, Lyle H. Ungar
Improving Tourism Prediction Models Using Climate and Social Media Data: A Fine-Grained Approach
Amir Khatibi, Fabiano Belem, Ana P. Silva, Dennis Shasha, Jussara M. Almeida, Marcos A. Gonçalves
Describing and Classifying Post-Mortem Content on Social Media
Jialun "Aaron" Jiang, Jed R. Brubaker
Assessing the Accuracy of Four Popular Face Recognition Tools for Inferring Gender, Age, and Race
Soon-Gyo Jung, Jisun An, Haewoon Kwak, Joni Salminen, Bernard J. Jansen
Leveraging Friendship Networks for Dynamic Link Prediction in Social Interaction Networks
Ruthwik R. Junuthula, Kevin S. Xu, Vijay K. Devabhaktuni
The Dynamics of Peer-Produced Political Information during the 2016 U.S. Presidential Campaign
Brian C. Keegan
Joint Modeling of Text and Networks for Cascade Prediction
Cheng Li, Xiaoxiao Guo, Qiaozhu Mei
On Group Popularity Prediction in Event-Based Social Networks
Guangyu Li, Yong Liu, Bruno Ribeiro, Hao Ding
Mining the Relationship between Emoji Usage Patterns and Personality
Weijian Li, Yuxiao Chen, Tianran Hu, Jiebo Luo
Tweeting AI: Perceptions of Lay vs Expert Twitterati
Lydia Manikonda, Subbarao Kambhampati
Modeling Evolution of Topics in Large-scale Temporal Text Corpora
Elaheh Momeni, Shanika Karunasekera, Palash Goyal, Kristina Lerman
"Is This a STD? Please Help!": Online Information Seeking for Sexually Transmitted Diseases on Reddit
Alicia L. Nobles, Caitlin N. Dreisbach, Jessica Keim-Malpass, Laura E. Barnes
When Politicians Talk about Politics: Identifying Political Tweets of Brazilian Congressmen
Lucas S. Oliveira, Pedro O. S. Vaz de Melo, Marcelo S. Amaral, José Antônio. G. Pinho
Is the Sharing Economy about Sharing at All? A Linguistic Analysis of Airbnb Reviews
G. Quattrone, S. Nicolazzo, A. Nocera, D. Quercia, L. Capra
Mater certa est, pater numquam: What Can Facebook Advertising Data Tell Us about Male Fertility Rates?
Francesco Rampazzo, Emilio Zagheni, Ingmar Weber, Maria Rita Testa, Francesco Billari
Characterizing and Detecting Hateful Users on Twitter
Manoel Horta Ribeiro, Pedro H. Calais, Yuri A. Santos, Virgílio A. F. Almeida, Wagner Meira Jr.
Self-Representation on Twitter Using Emoji Skin Color Modifiers
Alexander Robertson, Walid Magdy, Sharon Goldwater
Time Reveals all Wounds: Modeling Temporal Dynamics of Cyberbullying Sessions
Devin Soni, Vivek Singh
The Million Tweets Fallacy: Activity and Feedback are Uncorrelated
Dan Vilenchik
"Bacon Bacon Bacon": Food-related Tweets and Sentiment in Metro Detroit
V.G.Vinod Vydiswaran, Daniel M. Romero, Xinyan Zhao, Deahan Yu, Iris Gomez-Lopez, Jin Xiu Lu, Bradley Iott, Ana Baylin, Philippa Clarke, Veronica Berrocal, Robert Goodspeed, Tiffany Veinot
Bumper Stickers on the Twitter Highway: Analyzing the Speed and Substance of Profile Changes
Ryan Wesslen, Sagar Nandu, Omar Eltayeby, Tiffany Gallicano, Sara Levens, Min Jiang, Samira Shaikh
Does Reciprocal Gratefulness in Twitter Predict Neighborhood Safety?: Comparing 911 Calls Where Users Reside or Use Social Media
Ann Marie White, Linxiao Bai, Christopher Homan, Melanie Funchess, Catherine Cerulli, Amen Ptah, Deepak Pandita, Henry Kautz
Understanding Self-Narration of Personally Experienced Racism on Reddit
Diyi Yang, Scott Counts
Extracting Predictive Statements with their Scope from News Articles
Navya Yarrabelly, Kamalakar Karlapalem
- Automatic Story Evolution Wikification from Social Data
Omar Alonso, Vasileios Kandylas, Serge-Eric Tremblay
- Automatically Conceptualizing Social Media Analytics Data via Personas
Soon-Gyo Jung, Joni Salminen, Jisun An, Haewoon Kwak, Bernard J. Jansen
- Urban Maps of Social Activity
Stewart Whiting, Omar Alonso, Vasileios Kandylas, Serge-Eric Tremblay
6:45 - 8:45 PM
Offsite Twitter Social Event
MacArthur Park Restaurant, 27 University Avenue, Palo Alto
(20-minute walk from Li Ka Shing Center; also served by Marguerite shuttle)
Thursday, June 28
8:30 - 9:30 AM
Keynote Address: Sarita Schoenebeck (University of Michigan)
What's Missing When We Rely on Social Media Log Data
The first decade of ICWSM flourished under a growing abundance of social media user data (i.e., people's clicks and posts). As the community matures into its second decade, it is a good time to reflect on how that abundance has shaped our scholarship. This talk will examine what is missing when we focus on social media data generated by clicks and posts. Using experience sampling and eye-tracking methods, we are learning about people's internal states when they use social media, including how people feel when they post to social media, what they decide to share when posts are ephemeral, how they pay attention to other users' profiles, and what they pay attention to but do not click on. This talk will critically examine popular theories about social media use and will explore emerging research opportunities.
9:30 - 10:06 AM
Paper Session IX: Best Papers
- "I'm Never Happy with What I Write": Challenges and Strategies of People with Dyslexia on Social Media
Lindsay Reynolds, Shaomei Wu
- The Tower of Babel.jpg: Diversity of Visual Encyclopedic Knowledge Across Wikipedia Language Editions
Shiqing He, Allen Yilun Lin, Eytan Adar, Brent Hecht
10:06 - 10:30 AM
Coffee Break
10:30 AM - 11:45 PM
Paper Session X: Health
- Using Longitudinal Social Media Analysis to Understand the Effects of Early College Alcohol Use
Emre Kiciman, Scott Counts, Melissa Gasser
- A Social Media Based Examination of the Effects of Counseling Recommendations After Student Deaths on College Campuses
Koustuv Saha, Ingmar Weber, Munmun De Choudhury
- The Impact of Recipe Features, Social Cues and Demographics on Estimating the Healthiness of Online Recipes
Markus Rokicki, Christoph Trattner, Eelco Herder
- Characterizing Audience Engagement and Assessing its Impact on Social Media Disclosures of Mental Illnesses
Sindhu Kiranmai Ernala, Tristan Labetoulle, Fred Bane, Michael L. Birnbaum, Asra F. Rizvi, John M. Kane, Munmun De Choudhury
11:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Town Hall Meeting
12:15 - 1:45 PM
Lunch Break
1:45 - 2:35 PM
Paper Session XI: Dataset Papers
- WhatsApp, Doc? A First Look at WhatsApp Public Group Data
Kiran Garimella, Gareth Tyson
- LearningQ: A Large-Scale Dataset for Educational Question Generation
Guanliang Chen, Jie Yang, Claudia Hauff, Geert-Jan Houben
- #Èlysée2017fr: The 2017 French Presidential Campaign on Twitter
Ophélie Fraisier, Guillaume Cabanac, Yoann Pitarch, Romaric Besançon, Mohand Boughanem
- Online Petitioning through Data Exploration and What We Found There: A Dataset of Petitions from Avaaz.org
Pablo Aragón, Diego Sáez-Trumper, Miriam Redi, Scott A. Hale, Vicenç Gómez, Andreas Kaltenbrunner
- Follow the "Mastodon": Structure and Evolution of a Decentralized Online Social Network
Matteo Zignani, Sabrina Gaito, Gian Paolo Rossi
- CrisisMMD: Multimodal Twitter Datasets from Natural Disasters
Firoj Alam, Ferda Ofli, Muhammad Imran
- Sampling the News Producers: A Large News and Feature Data Set for the Study of the Complex Media Landscape
Benjamin D. Horne, Sara Khedr, Sibel Adalı
- The Hoaxy Misinformation and Fact-Checking Diffusion Network
Pik-Mai Hui, Chengcheng Shao, Alessandro Flammini, Filippo Menczer, Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia
- Large Scale Crowdsourcing and Characterization of Twitter Abusive Behavior
Antigoni-Maria Founta, Constantinos Djouvas, Despoina Chatzakou, Ilias Leontiadis, Jeremy Blackburn, Gianluca Stringhini, Athena Vakali, Michael Sirivianos, Nicolas Kourtellis
- BuzzFace: A News Veracity Dataset with Facebook User Commentary and Egos
Giovanni C. Santia, Jake Ryland Williams
2:35 - 3:52 PM
Paper Session XII: Methodology
- Using Simpson's Paradox to Discover Interesting Patterns in Behavioral Data
Nazanin Alipourfard, Peter G. Fennell, Kristina Lerman
- COUPLENET: Paying Attention to Couples with Coupled Attention for Relationship Recommendation
Yi Tay, Luu Anh Tuan, Siu Cheung Hui
- DeepCredit: Exploiting User Clickstram for Loan Risk Prediction in P2P Lending
Zhi Yang, Yusi Zhang, Binghui Guo, Ben Y. Zhao, Yafei Dai
- You Are Your Metadata: Identification and Obfuscation of Social Media Users Using Metadata Information
Beatrice Perez, Mirco Musolesi, Gianluca Stringhini
3:52 - 4:15 PM
Coffee Break
4:15 - 5:45 PM
Paper Session XIII: System Studies
- Facebook vs. Twitter: Cross-Platform Differences in Self-Disclosure and Trait Prediction
Kokil Jaidka Sharath Chandra Guntuku Lyle H. Ungar
- Movie Pirates of the Caribbean: Exploring Illegal Streaming Cyberlockers
Damilola Ibosiola, Benjamin Steer, Alvaro Garcia-Recuero, Gianluca Stringhini, Steve Uhlig, Gareth Tyson
- Beyond Views: Measuring and Predicting Engagement in Online Videos
Siqi Wu, Marian-Andrei Rizoiu, Lexing Xie
- Understanding Web Archiving Services and Their (Mis)Use on Social Media
Savvas Zannettou, Jeremy Blackburn, Emiliano De Cristofaro, Michael Sirivianos, Gianluca Stringhini
- Life in the Matrix_: Human Mobility Patterns in the Cyber Space
Tianran Hu, Jiebo Luo, Wei Liu
5:45 - 6:00 PM
Closing Remarks: Kate Starbird and Ingmar Weber, Program Cochairs, ICWSM-18