The 2022 reviewing process will be similar to that of the 2021 process. Papers to be considered for publication in the ICWSM proceedings, and presentation at the ICWSM-2022 conference, must be submitted by one of the three submission deadlines listed above. Authors who receive the "Accept" recommendation will have the opportunity to respond to reviewer suggestions by making minor edits when preparing the camera-ready version. Authors who receive the "Revise and Resubmit" recommendation will have the opportunity to address reviewer suggestions and resubmit an improved manuscript in the next submission deadline.
Authors who receive "Revise and Resubmit" in January 2022 will likely be presenting during the 2023 conference if their papers get accepted during the next submission round. Papers accepted to this track will be presented as full-length presentations at the ICWSM-2022 conference and they will be published as journal articles in the ICWSM proceedings.
See the full submission guidelines for more information.
Social Science and Sociophysics Track
We will be continuing the 'social science and sociophysics' track
at ICWSM-2022 following its successful debut in 2013. This option
is for researchers in social science and sociophysics who wish to
submit works without publication in the conference proceedings.
While papers in this track will not be published, we expect these
submissions to describe the same high-quality and complete work as
the main track submissions. Papers accepted to this track will be
presented either as full-length or poster presentations integrated
with the conference, and their abstracts will be published in the
conference proceedings. Papers submitted to this track will be
reviewed through the same reviewing process as full papers.
Jisun An, Luca Maria Aiello, Tanu Mitra
(ICWSM-2022 PC Chairs |
Poster/Demo Format:
Poster papers must be no longer than 5 pages, with page 5 containing nothing but references, and demo descriptions must be no longer than 3 pages, with page 3 containing nothing but references, and all must be submitted by the deadlines given above.
Jisun An, Luca Maria Aiello, Tanu Mitra
(ICWSM-2022 PC Chairs |
Dataset Paper Format:
Dataset paper submissions must comprise two parts: a dataset or group of datasets, and metadata describing the content, quality, structure, potential uses of the dataset(s), and methods employed for data collection. Descriptive statistics may be included in the metadata (more sophisticated analyses should be part of a regular paper submission).
Authors need to include a discussion about ethical considerations related to the collection and use of their datasets. Also, authors are encouraged to include a description of how they intend to make their datasets FAIR, and we would encourage authors to consider addressing the questions covered in the Datasheets for Datasets recommendations. Datasets and metadata must be published using a dataset sharing service (e.g. Zenodo, datorium, dataverse, or any other dataset sharing services that indexes your dataset and metadata and increases the re-findability of the data) that provides a DOI for the dataset, which should be included in the dataset paper submission. Dataset paper review will be single blind, and all datasets have to be identified and uploaded at the time of submission. Dataset paper submissions must be between 2-10 pages long and will be part of the full proceedings. All papers must follow AAAI formatting guidelines. For submission guidelines, please refer to the guidelines. We also request that authors submit a small sample of the dataset (maximum of 10MB) to aid the reviewers. This should be submitted as supplementary material on the Precision Conference system.
Shaomei Wu, Amira Ghenai, and Michael Szell
(ICWSM-2022 Data Chairs |
All deadlines are by 23:59 Anywhere on Earth.
Email proposals in a single file to the workshop chairs at before the deadline.
Call for Workshops:
The ICWSM-2022 Committee invites proposals for Workshops Day at the 16th International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM-2022). The Workshops Day will be held on June 6th, 2022. Workshop participants will have the opportunity to meet and discuss issues with a selected focus -- providing an informal setting for active exchange among researchers and developers from a wide range of disciplines, including social science and computer science. Workshops are an excellent forum for exploring emerging approaches and task areas, bridging gaps between the social sciences and computing, and elucidating results of exploratory research.
Members of the social media research community are encouraged to submit proposals. To foster interaction and exchange of ideas, the workshops will be kept small, with up to 40 participants.
The format of workshops will be determined by their organizers. The two main criteria for the selection of the workshops will be the following:
Workshop organizers who want to publish the papers from their workshop (or significant portions of it) will have the opportunity to do so through workshop proceedings by the AAAI Press. For a list of last year's workshops see here.
Proposals for workshops should be no more than five (5) pages in length (10pt, single column, with reasonable margins), written in English, and should contain the following:
Please try to use the AAAI Author Kit to format your submission, which is available here. Your proposal should be emailed in a single file to the workshop chairs at before the deadline. For additional information please contact the workshop chairs at the same address.
Cody Buntain, Wei Jeng, and Pedro O.S. Vaz-de-Melo
(ICWSM-2022 Workshop Chairs |
All deadlines are by 23:59 Anywhere on Earth.
Submit tutorials at the following website:
Call for Tutorials:
ICWSM-2022 invites proposals for Tutorials Day at the 16th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM). ICWSM-2022 is seeking proposals for tutorials on topics related to the computational analysis and understanding of social phenomena in the following formats:
We welcome tutorials of various lengths (1, 2, 4, or up to 8 hours). We are looking for contributions from experts in both the social and computational sciences, in industry, academia, and beyond. For a list of tutorials from previous years, we encourage you to visit the tutorials page for 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021. We especially encourage applications from first-time proposers and scholars with research communities beyond ICWSM.
The format will be entirely determined by the tutorial organizers—i.e., you! Proposals will be selected for inclusion considering the following criteria:
Proposals for tutorials should be no more than three (3) pages
in length. Proposal submissions should include the following
David Jurgens, Catalina Toma, Robert West
(ICWSM-2022 Tutorial Chairs |
ICWSM-2022 is hosting the third ICWSM data challenge with the goal of bringing together researchers to analyze and understand emerging societal issues. The data challenge is a space where researchers can exchange ideas, discuss ongoing work, and foster collaboration, grounded on open data. This year’s data challenge theme is Health-Related Discourse on the Web.
For more details, please visit the ICWSM-2022 Data Challenge Website.
Eshwar Chandrasekharan, Mirian Redi, and Savvas Zannettou
(ICWSM-2022 Data Challenge Chairs |
Format: All papers must be formatted in AAAI two-column, camera-ready style, for US Letter (8.5" x 11") paper, using Type 1 or TrueType fonts (templates can be found here.). Papers must be in high resolution PDF format, formatted for US Letter (8.5" x 11") paper, using Type 1 or TrueType fonts. Full papers are recommended to be 8 pages and must be at most 11 pages long, including references and any appendix. Note that the page limit is increased to 11 for papers submitted to the January 2022 deadline. This year, the page limit for the submission is increased to 11 pages in order to give space for the new requirement of an Ethics Statement (see more below). We highly encourage the authors to keep the main content of the paper to 10 pages, and use extra space for ethics considerations only. Note that the camera-ready is still limited to 12 pages as in the past years. Revision papers and final camera-ready full papers can be up to 12 pages. Dataset papers must be no longer than 10 pages, Poster papers must be no longer than 4 pages, and Demo descriptions must be no longer than 2 pages, and all must be submitted by the deadlines given above. No source files (Word or LaTeX) are required at the time of submission for review; only the PDF file is permitted. Finally, the copyright slug may be omitted in the initial submission phase and no copyright form is required until a paper is accepted for publication.
Anonymity: ICWSM-2022 review is double-blind. Therefore, please anonymize your submission: do not put the author(s) names or affiliation(s) at the start of the paper, and do not include funding or other acknowledgments in papers submitted for review. References to authors' own prior relevant work should be included, but should not specify that this is the authors' own work. Citations to the author's own work should be anonymized, if possible, or can be added later to the final camera-ready version for publication. It is up to the authors' discretion how much to further modify the body of the paper to preserve anonymity. The requirement for anonymity does not extend outside of the review process, e.g. the authors can decide how widely to distribute their papers over the Internet before the program committee meeting. Even in cases where the author's identity is known to a reviewer, the double-blind process will serve as a symbolic reminder of the importance of evaluating the submitted work on its own merits without regard to authors' reputation. Note that 2-page demo submissions and the dataset paper submissions, and only these, are exempt from the anonymization requirement as they often contain system URLs or URLs to data sharing services.
Language: All submissions must be in English.
Revisions: Papers that were previously submitted to ICWSM and received a "Revise and Resubmit " decision should be accompanied by a copy of the previous reviews and an author response statement. The response statement may be in any format, but many reviewers appreciate a response that begins with an overall summary and then includes a table, with each row containing a reviewer comment in the left cell, and author's response in the right cell. The response cell may explain why no changes were made, or may describe changes and direct the reviewer to a particular page, section, or figure, where the revised content appears. At the discretion of the Senior PC member handling the paper, the revised version may be sent back to some or all of the original reviewers for comment and evaluation, and may also be sent to additional reviewers.
Broader perspective, ethics and competing interests: In order to provide a balanced perspective, authors are required to include a statement about the potential broader impact of their work and ethical considerations. This statement needs to, at the bare minimum, be presented in a clearly marked paragraph/subsection/section in your paper. Authors should take care to discuss both positive and negative outcomes. Authors are also expected to describe steps taken to prevent or mitigate potential negative outcomes. For full papers that have collected new datasets and for dataset papers, discuss ethical considerations in the data collection process, and considerations around its release, and both potentially positive and negative outcomes of its use by others.
Authors are required to provide an explicit disclosure of funding (financial activities supporting the submitted work) and competing interests (related financial activities outside the submitted work) that could result in conflicts of interest. This section should be added to the camera-ready version of accepted papers and not for submission.
Furthermore, authors are required to read the AAAI code of conduct and ethics guidelines and (i.) confirm that they abide by these rules and (ii.) discuss any concerns particularly relevant to their paper. Given a community as diverse as ICWSM, the issues related to ethics are likely to vary significantly across submissions. As such, we rely on you, the authors, to determine and cover the aspects most relevant to your work in your submission. Several checklists used in the past [1,2,3] can provide further guidance to scholars looking for starting points.
Resubmission: Authors will need to declare if a previous version of their submission was rejected at any peer-reviewed venue, and, if so, summarize the changes made in the current version and include the original review. Authors of rejected papers from ICWSM may revise and submit their revised papers after 6 months of the date of the last decision, but not before. For example, papers submitted in the Jan round can be resubmitted to the September round (6 months after the decision in March) but not the May round. This decision was made to avoid paper rejections due to lack of time for revisions and to discourage authors from submitting papers that are not ready.
Researchers who wish to submit full papers without publication in the conference proceedings, may designate their submission as 'social sciences and sociophysics (not for publication)'. Submissions must adhere to the formatting and content guidelines above. They will be reviewed according to the same process and criteria as all other full paper submissions. While we will not accept previously published papers, papers submitted as social sciences and sociophysics (not for publication) may be under review concurrently at a journal. Papers accepted to this track will be full presentations, integrated with the conference, but will be published only as abstracts in the ICWSM conference proceedings.
Submissions originally designated as not for publication cannot be converted at the end to publication in the ICWSM conference proceedings, because that would provide a mechanism enabling simultaneous consideration of the same paper for publication in two venues. Researchers who do wish to publish their papers in the ICWSM proceedings should submit to the regular track. All submitted papers, whether targeted for publication or not, will be judged according to the same acceptance criteria.
ICWSM-2022 will not accept any paper that, at the time of submission, is under review for or has already been published or accepted for publication in a journal or conference. This restriction does not apply to submissions for non-archival workshops.
While we will not accept previously published papers, papers submitted as social sciences and sociophysics (not for publication) may be under review concurrently at a journal.
If duplicate submissions are identified during the review process then:
Authors will be contacted about how to register for the conference. General registration for this year’s virtual conference will open soon. Stay tuned!
All accepted papers and extended abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings, except for those submitted to the 'social sciences and sociophysics (not for publication)'; only abstracts will be published for those. Though initial submissions of full papers must not exceed 11 pages, full papers accepted for publication will be allocated up to twelve (12) pages in the conference proceedings to facilitate to address comments raised by the reviewers. Authors will be required to transfer copyright to AAAI.
ICWSM provides a service for hosting datasets pertaining to research presented at the conference. Authors of accepted papers will be encouraged to share the datasets on which their papers are based, while adhering to the terms and conditions of the data provider. Of these datasets, one will be selected for an award which will be based on the quality, scope, and timeliness of each dataset. More information will be available on our website.